Residential Treatment Centers

03-01-2014 10:45
      Residential treatment centers, sometimes abbreviated to RTC or called rehab, are health care facilities that provide care and support for a number of conditions. These typically include mental illness, substance abuse or a range of behavioral problems. The exact treatment given is tailored to the needs of the individual after careful diagnosis and consideration of other factors by relevant health professionals.
     The main benefit of a person being treated this way is they have round the clock care and support from professionals specializing in this field. A person receiving treatment in their own home may not benefit in the same way as those treated in a residential treatment center as they will have less support and are in danger of continuing with any risky behaviors associated with their particular illness. Residential treatment reduces the likelihood of this happening.
     There are also disadvantages of a person staying in residential treatment centers. Some would argue that it is removing an individual's right to live independently. An argument against this view is that residential treatment will improve their life in the long-term, thus promoting greater freedom and independence in the future.
     Others argue that this type of care is inappropriate for children and adolescents. However, children and adolescents are only treated this way after serious consideration by medical and care professionals when they believe it is in the best interest of the young person. This is usually after they have tried other methods. Residential treatment centers for children and adolescents are separate from adult health care facilities offering the same services and the staff are fully trained in supporting young people.
     Overall, if a person is experiencing difficulties relating to substance abuse, behavior or mental health issues, then residential treatment is one possible course of action taken in supporting the person to overcome their difficulties. Such measures are only ever taken after careful consideration of the individual and their needs by the appropriate professionals.